Manila Port

Bayani Audea

Port Chaplain: Bayani Audea

Bayani came to know God when he was still a seafarer in 1988 through a 4th Engineer inviting him to an on board Bible study. He was referred to SCFS Manila and became involved with the ministry, handing out Christian literature to his fellow seafarers. In 2003 he left seafaring and joined SCFS.
+63 927 476 6410

Manila Port Information

The Port of Manila refers to the collective facilities and terminals that process maritime trade function in harbours in Metro Manila and is the largest and the premier international shipping gateway to the country.

+ 63 2 527 44 14

Manila Port SCFS Resources

  • Bibles and Christian literature
  • Free use of the internet
  • Books by SCFS Hamburg Port Chaplain, Martin Otto
  • The Jesus Film on DVD
  • Transportation to shops for international seafarers
  • Free use of the computer
  • Free photocopy of documents
  • Free meal
  • On board meetings at the port

Port Gallery