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Knitting for Seafarers
Many seafarers embark ships in warm or hot climates without warm clothes and often unprepared for the harsh and cold realities of life at sea or at ports in colder temperatures.
Over the years thousands of hats, scarves and gloves have been knitted by SCFS supporters and gratefully received by seafarers.
If you knit then please join our many supporters in knitting for seafarers. If you’re a member of a church or community knitting group, why not ask them to join in knitting for seafarers.
“Project Woolly Hat!”
Recently an SCFS supporter sponsored the production of logo badges which can be stitched on to the woolly hats our knitters produce. These will make great gifts and souvenirs for the seafarers, and will help them to remember who they have received their hat from.
Please let us know that you or your group are providing knitting and we will send you a quantity of labels with our logo to sew on to the hats and scarves.
“Project Woolly Hat Update”, April 2024
We have been so encouraged at how our knitters have embraced the project. The demand for logo badges has been so great, that we have already depleted our supply of badges within six months!
We will keep you posted if we find ourselves in a position to continue with the project.

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Knitting for Seafarers - My Story
Greetings to all at S.C.F.S. from Ballywalter Presbyterian Knit & Natter group, which has
been in existence since 2013. For many years hats were knit and delivered to Belfast
Port….. not an easy outing !!
A few years ago, through our local newspaper, we discovered and were delighted to find your premises at Enterprise Business Park, which made our twice yearly delivery very straightforward .
Our group meet once a month where we enjoy the social interaction over a welcome cup of tea / coffee. As well as hats etc. We also knit and send garments to vulnerable children in Ekwendeni, Malawi, items for Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes, Twiddlemuffs to local Nursing Homes, baby garments to Neo-Natal Unit Ulster Hospital
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you support Seafarers throughout our Irish ports and indeed throughout the world.
Margaret Irwin
October 2024
The Seafarers’ Christian Friend Society was the missionary focus that the Lifeliners at Irvinestown Independent Methodist Church were excited to get involved with this Spring term. It was encouraging to hear updates of people from different nationalities being reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to pray for this outreach.
The children and leaders brought their missionary collection each week and a selection of toiletries were also donated. From February to April the leaders enlisted the help of other ladies and set to work knitting and crocheting a selection of hats, scarves, toys and socks. It was a privilege to help provide for the daily lives of the seafarers.
At our final meeting Rev Jaeguen Bae shared of the ongoing opportunities of practically supporting and sharing the good news of the Gospel to the seafarers around the world. Bless all who will receive. “DEUS E AMOR”
The Lifeliner Team
May 2024

It is many years ago that my husband and I first came in contact with SCFS, and Gavin McGregor has stayed with us on occasion.
Our most recent connection came about through reading about the hats and scarves in Helmsman. I decided to knit a hat and scarf and showed then to the Ladies Craft Group at Bethesda Free Church. The ladies were immediately taken with the idea and you see the results to date on the photograph.
We pray that God will bless you and all the seafarers who will receive a hat and/or scarf.
Love from the ladies of Bethesda Free Church in South Shields.
Linda McConway
December 2023
As a child I sat at my Grandmother’s knee making pompoms to sew onto the hats she had knitted to go to Wally Burrell who worked with your organisation in Cork.
Almost half a century later, I’m married and living in Lisburn, just down the road from your HQ.
Now I’m knitting the hats for Seafarers to clear the wool “stash” – an addiction inherited from my Gran.
January 2024
I took up knitting again about 10 years ago when my church home group knitted some little suits for the “fish and chip” babies in Africa. Apparently new born babies had no clothes to go home in from where they were born so they were wrapped in newspaper. That cause came to an end.
Through our church we used to support a church in Romania, sending a lorry over once a year so I started knitting hats to go there. I also came in contact with a lady who helped refugees in Calais so gave her hats to take over too.
Both of these outlets came to an end but I was told about SCFS by a lovely lady from my church. She was already sending hats so I too have been sending them for a few years now.
It is an absolutely worthwhile and satisfactory cause where I know that they are appreciated.
Julia Connolly
June 2023