Ferryden: Reaching The World Sailing Past Our Door


Ferryden: Reaching The World Sailing Past Our Door

Ferryden ‘Craft n Café’ Fellowship

The Ferryden Church of Scotland fellowships first learned about Montrose Port Mission from the Port Chaplain who spoke about the work at his Sea Sunday address in August. Many of these folk have lived all their lives within sight and sound of the ship movements in the harbour, but it was not until some weeks ago that Mike realised his descriptions of a seafarer’s life must have touched some hearts when he received an invitation to meet with the fellowship at their Friday afternoon Café. What they had to show him brought tears to his eyes.


This is a small church but everyone had contributed gifts of toiletries, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shower gel, skin cream, razors, shaving lotions, socks and warm clothing, all the things which many seafarers hardly have the opportunity to go ashore and buy for themselves. They had also collected sufficient funds to add to these gifts a tub of ‘HEROES’ chocolates for every visiting ship during the weeks up to Christmas day. Plus some very special Bible commentaries for shipboard Bibles studies of John’s Gospel.

Our SCFS response of thanks will be to add Mike’s photographs of the ship crews receiving these gifts in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Thank you Ferryden Church Café Fellowship!



Mike Burleigh

Montrose Port Chaplain