A Grand Day Out In Cobh & Queen Mary 2’s Basketball All-Stars!


A Grand Day Out In Cobh & Queen Mary 2’s Basketball All-Stars!

During our short visit to Cobh in Ireland on 9th September, a number of our crew
mates were able to go ashore and play basketball at a local youth facility at Mt Crozier
which the Port Chaplain, Colin Jenkins from the Seafarers Christian Friend Society
(SCFS) had put us in touch with.

It was a grand sunny day in Cobh and our crew spent an energetic few hours shooting
hoops and displaying their basketball skills and enjoying a wee break ashore in Cobh.

A big ‘thank you’ also goes to Colin who also came aboard to meet with our crew,
give out some gifts including woolly hats, scarves and some cuddly toys which
delighted our crew.

Our crew were also able to hop across the gangway to the railway station at Cobh,
which also is home to SCFS Seafarer Centre which provided free wi-fi, a cup of
tea and some great hospitality!

It was a Grand Day Out for our visit in Cobh!!